I'm a Beagle

Whee, I was surprised to find that my interview was on the Etsy Beagles Street Team blog today! You can read it here.

Here's my beagle, Snoopy, when he was just a baby!


Audrey said…
My grandparents had a beagle when we were little! He was a nice dog. We are into big dogs though, don't have to bend down to pet. LOL
Linda Sue said…
Your interview is great! I left a comment but don't know that it went through.
You are so ambitious! Your re store so clever!
well done, you.
My childhood dog was a beagle, bred for racing - lean and streamlined- beautiful dog with lovely temperament but she did have some bad manners that were not endearing...poop for a sanck- that sort of thing- plus she ate toys shoes clothing and rugs...Honest- we did feed her real food, she was not neglected- just bored. She wanted to RUN!
What a pretty boy!
Lydia said…
Great interview, Laurie! Super:)

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